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TCM for menstrual cramps

Your breasts are tense, your stomach cramps and you would prefer to eat nothing but chocolate. do you know that

Many women do not feel comfortable in their own skin before or when they have their period. Abdominal pain, cramps and heavy bleeding are distressing and can keep women out of action for a few days. Some women also struggle with impure skin, a craving for sweets and severe mood swings. But what can women do about it?

In any case, it is important that you listen to your body. Get enough rest and sleep when you need it. Eat the piece of chocolate if you feel like it. However, make sure to do something good for your body and soul, for example eating healthy food or going for a walk in the fresh air.

Warmth also helps many women, a hot bed bottle or a warm cherry stone pillow can sometimes work wonders and make stomach and back pain disappear. What to do if the symptoms don’t get better and cause constant problems? A consistent change in diet can be a good basis for correcting skin problems and balancing out mood swings.

In TCM, depending on the patient’s constitution, I look individually at what she should eat more of and what she should best avoid.

In general, however, it is advisable to eat as many fresh vegetables and fruits as possible. It is best to steam vegetables and eat food warm. Finished products should also be avoided. This applies in general, not just during the period.

I often recommend acupuncture, moxa (heat therapy) and Chinese natural remedies for menstrual pain. Sometimes a diet and lifestyle change isn’t enough and you need to dig a little deeper. TCM offers excellent treatment options that can bring the body back into balance from the ground up. Acupuncture, for example, stimulates various points which, depending on the TCM diagnosis, release painful blockages, warm energy channels or build up the Qi, as energy is called in TCM.

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