Goodbye Long COVID
Back to health – gently with complementary therapy
Do you suffer from fatigue, headaches, breathing difficulties or listlessness and are you tired of losing your quality of life as a result? Are you looking for new ways to get rid of your post or long-COVID symptoms? Then you are right here.
As new as the Long COVID phenomenon is, there is little experience in the treatment strategy. However, what we do know is that a viral disease not only burdens the physical body, but can also throw us off balance mentally and spiritually.
Mit unserem interdisziplinären Ansatz verfolgen wir im Praxiszentrum Arcus genau die Strategie, welche die S1-Leitlinie Post-COVID/Long-COVID empfiehlt: «Komplexe Krankheitsbilder wie Post-/Long-COVID erfordern (*…*) eine generalistische interdisziplinäre Herangehensweise mit Blick auf den ganzen Menschen, sowie eine Kontinuität in der Versorgung.»
Here you can find out how our four disciplines proceed.
Since Post or Long COVID presents itself as an individual and symptom-variable burden on the human system over time, osteopathic therapy is based on your leading symptoms. For this purpose, a detailed anamnesis interview is conducted, and the entire musculoskeletal system, digestive tract and craniosacral system are tested. This determines which of these three areas of your body is most restricted and where we start.
For example, the body is accompanied back to its normal function with regard to digestion and utilization of food by stimulating the liver, spleen and kidneys. Or about
Craniosacral therapy aims to balance the autonomic nervous system in order to regain the body’s natural balance between phases of activity and regeneration.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
Complaints during and after a COVID infection are also successfully treated with traditional Chinese medicine. At the beginning of the treatment there is a thorough questioning about symptoms, basic constitution and other complaints that at first glance do not necessarily have anything to do with COVID. Then your pulse is measured and your tongue is examined.
Treatment consists of acupuncture and/or cupping/moxa, depending on the symptoms. Chinese natural remedies are also essential, which are individually tailored to you and adjusted during the course of treatment, as the symptoms will also change.
Kinesiology has the advantage that the muscle test – as the body’s own feedback instrument – can be used to individually test what you need to stimulate the regulation of your body.
In our experience, kinesiology helps in particular with symptoms such as tiredness and exhaustion, but also with memory problems such as difficulty concentrating, “brain fog” or confusion. After physical crises, for example, it is important to reintegrate the righting reflexes in order to create a good sense of space, serenity and centeredness.
A post or long COVID illness often brings – in addition to the symptoms themselves – additional burdens: fears, frustration, inferiority complexes, existential worries. To name a few. Here, kinesiology supports relaxation and stress reduction, promotion of sleep and the strengthening of personal resources for a beneficial handling of the associated challenges.
Access bars and body processes
Another method that makes a valuable contribution to you when fears, inner turmoil, depressive moods and stress are affecting your quality of life is Access Bars. By gently touching certain energy points, the electrical tension that builds up in stressful situations can be discharged and drained from these areas of the brain. The resulting deep state of relaxation enables a comprehensive sense of well-being and can cause the dissolution of both physical and mental blockages.
The Access Body Processes® are just as supportive. These enter into a deep dialogue with the body and change and reactivate cell memory. By touching and activating certain energies, tension (both physical and mental) can be released.
In this way, your body is supported in change and healing processes. Acute and chronic pain and illnesses can be resolved and the original function and shape of the body’s cells is restored in order to be able to function optimally.
As quickly as your body can lose its balance, it can be brought back into balance just as quickly. And you emerge stronger from the COVID infection.
To make an appointment, please contact us here: 044 720 20 12 or