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Nutrition focus pregnancy and breastfeeding

Pregnancy and breastfeeding

As a pregnant and breastfeeding mother, you can use this valuable time window to actively contribute to prevention

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, your diet plays a crucial role in the lifelong health of your child. A healthy and balanced diet has been shown to improve the course of your pregnancy and reduce the risk of diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and obesity later in your child’s life. As a pregnant oder breastfeeding mother, you can use this valuable time window of opportunity to actively contribute to prevention.

Our therapists

Nora Vogt

Nutritionist with focus on pregnancy and breastfeeding


  • Optimal supply of nutrients

    An optimal supply of nutrients during pregnancy and breastfeeding is crucial to support the healthy development of the baby and promote your health and well-being. During these phases, the need for nutrients increases considerably, as your body not only has to supply itself with essential vitamins, minerals and energy, but also the growing child.

  • Pregnancy symptoms

    Nutritional coaching can play a significant role in reducing pregnancy symptoms. Targeted adjustments to your diet can alleviate symptoms. We identify strategies to increase your well-being.

  • Food intolerances

    Food intolerances in yourself can contribute to you not being optimally supplied with important nutrients. This can affect the child’s development during pregnancy. An adapted diet is crucial to avoid nutrient deficiencies. Nutrition coaching helps to find ways to have a healthy pregnancy despite intolerances and to promote the healthy development of the baby.

  • Vegetarian and vegan diet

    During pregnancy and breastfeeding, questions may arise regarding a vegetarian or vegan diet. Together we will find ways to ensure that you and your baby get all the nutrients you need.

  • Coaching process

    During the first consultation, we conduct a detailed medical history interview (90 min) to better understand your current (nutritional) situation. Together we define a main goal and sub-goals for the nutrition coaching.
    In the course of further coaching sessions (60-minute sessions), we will discuss strategies for achieving these goals and I will give you my recommendations.

    If the results of blood tests for nutrient supply are already available at this point, we will include these in the consultation. If not, we will clarify whether a review of your nutrient supply would be useful.

    We will then begin to implement the strategies we have worked out together. We will meet at jointly defined intervals for “check-ins” (60 minutes each) to discuss your current situation, clarify questions, identify any difficulties, develop new solutions, celebrate successes or plan the next steps.

Opening hours/Contact

Opening times nutrition coaching

by arrangement
by arrangement

Special rules in special times

We are constantly adapting our way of working to the new circumstances surrounding Covid-19. With our protection concept according to BAG guidelines, we will continue to treat you safely and reliably. In the PDF you will find all the important information on hygiene measures or symptoms.

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